I used a simple conbination of hex conversion and binary packing to do this. Here is the code I used for this:
function hex2bin($h)
if (!is_string($h)) return null;
for ($a=0; $a<strlen($h); $a+=2)
return $r;
$config_data = file ("normal.txt");
foreach ($config_data as $n_str)
$hex_str = bin2hex ( $n_str );
$bin_str = pack ('h*', $hex_str);
$CFGSTR = $CFGSTR."\n".$bin_str;
$fp = fopen ("club.cfg", "w+");
fwrite ($fp, $CFGSTR, strlen ($CFGSTR));
fclose ($fp);
$cfg_data = file ("club.cfg");
echo "<hr>CONFIG DATA: <br>";
for ($i=1; $i<23; $i++)
$cfg_arr = unpack ('h*',$cfg_data[$i]);
$cfg = "";
foreach ($cfg_arr as $c)
$cfg = $cfg.$c;
$cfg = hex2bin ($cfg);
echo "$cfg <br>";
A brief explanation on the above code: The normal.txt file contains the ACSII data. This would be converted to a non-human readable format and stored in club.cfg file. My site is a club of sorts, so the name "club". Anyway, the first part of encryption is to convert the data to hex. Then pack it to a binary format. The reason why im converting it to hex first is to make the code platform independent. I am storing each configuration detail in a seperate line. So I can reference the data by the line number. The second foreach loop reads thils encrypted file and displays the data. The hex2bin function was created by someone else. (Ref + credits: http://us.php.net/bin2hex).
So a simple conbination of hex conversion and binary packing is good enough to create and easy low level data encryption in php.
Peace ..V,
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